About Me

I am a Masters Student (Computer Science) at Khoury College of Computer Sciences, Northeastern University, Boston. Currently also working as a Research Assistant at the Network Science Institute, on Applied Social Network Analysis. Previously, as a Research Asssitant at D'Amore McKim School of Business I worked on textual analytics of data from Yelp, Mutual Funds documents and Press releases.My focus of research is natural language processing, predictive analytics and machine learning. I have recently started volunteering with Microsoft TEALS, mentoring 12th graders in Computer Science Principles.


News Text Summarizer

Created a news text summarizer to compare between Word Frequency Model & Seq2Seq Model.

Tweet Domain Classifier

Input any handle name and the classifier will extract each tweet and label them into categories like "Business", "Politics" etc.

Statistical Machine Translation

A domain based Language Model for better En-Hi Machine Translation.

Mutual Funds Document Analysis

Comparing readabilty, sentiments and similarity of documents.


2021-PresentNortheastern UniversityM.S.Computer Science
2014-2018Jalpaiguri Government Engineering CollegeB. TechInformation Technology
